1 | Prof. Sarika Jalan received a prestigious SERB Power fellowship. |
2 | Prof. Sarika Jalan has been appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier). |
3 | Prof. Sarika Jalan is elected executive member of the Complex Systems Society. |
4 | Prof. Raghunath Sahoo is elected as the Chairperson of the ALICE-India Collaboration Board. |
5 | The paper of Prof. Raghunath Sahoo and his student Neelkamal Mallick “Event topology and constituent-quark scaling of elliptic flow in heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider using a multiphase transport model.” Neelkamal Mallick, Sushanta Tripathy, and Raghunath Sahoo, arXiv:2105.09770, Eur. Phys. J. C 82, 524 (2022) [Impact Factor: 5.172] was awarded as one of the “Best Posters” in the 66th DAE-BRNS Nuclear Physics Symposium-2022 |
6 | Prof. Raghunath Sahoo has been selected as UGC Nominee, Dr. H.S. Gour Central University, Sagar, Community Colleges under NSQF. |
7 | Prof. Raghunath Sahoo has been mentioned as India’s 25 `most productive’ scientists [World’s top 2 percent in the Alper Doger (AD) Scientific Index 2023, [based on the scientific performance and the added value of the scientific productivity of individual scientists] https://theprint.in/science/meet-indias-25-most-productive-scientists-from-cern-atom-smashers-to-whiz-with-84-doctorates/1166685/ |
8 | Prof. Rajesh Kumar and his group got the Institute’s best research paper award -2021. |