Experimental Condensed Matter
Prof. Krushna R. Mavani (Professor) |
1. Structural, Electronic, Magnetic and optical properties and their correlations 2. Thin Films and Multilayers 3. Terahertz Spectroscopy 4. Nanomaterials |
Prof. Pankaj R.Sagdeo (Professor) |
1. In house development of scientific instrument 2. Novel experimental technique and or methodology for material characterization |
Prof. Preeti A. Bhobe (Professor) |
1. Study of crystal and electronic structure 2. Magnetic properties of functional materials 3. X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) 4. Photoemission Spectroscopy (PES) |
Prof. Rajesh Kumar (Professor) |
1. Experimental Solid State Physics 2. Organic and Inorganic Semiconductors 3. Nanostructures |
Prof. Somaditya Sen (Professor) |
1. Structure correlated physical properties, Ferroelectrics, magnetic materials, multiferroics, Magneto-dielectrics, Optoelectronic materials, Light/Gas Sensing materials, Nanomaterials to Single crystals, 2. Simple and Complex oxides: Titanates, Manganites, Vanadates, Dielectric Resonator Antennas, Energy materials. |
Prof. Sudeshna Chattopadhyay (Professor) |
1. Surface and Interface Science 2. Soft matter and nanomaterials 3. Organic/Inorganic hybrid materials 4. Energy conversion and storage research 5. Battery materials |
Dr. Onkar Game (Assistant Professor) |
1. Photovoltaics 2. Organic and inorganic semiconductors 3. Halide perovskites 4. Optoelectronics |
Theoretical Condensed Matter
Dr. Srimanta Pakhira (Assistant Professor) |
1. Applications of Density Functional Theory (DFT) 2. Strong Correlation Effects in Electronic Materials 3. Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites and Theory of Novel 2D Materials Alkali-ion Battery, Novel Batteries Technology, Renewable Energy Materials, Solar Cells Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs), H2 and O2 Evolution Reactions |
Dr. Alestin Mawrie (Assistant Professor) |
1. Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics 2. Low Dimensional Systems 3. Topological Insulators 4. Quantum Transport properties |