
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

Prof. Pankaj R Sagdeo


Email: prs@iiti.ac.in

1. In house development of scientific instrument

2. Novel experimental technique and or methodology for material characterization

Prof. Rajesh Kumar


Email: rajeshkumar@iiti.ac.in

1. Experimental Solid State Physics

2. Organic and Inorganic Semiconductors

3. Nanostructures

Prof. Somaditya Sen


Email: sens@iiti.ac.in

1. Structure correlated physical properties, Ferroelectrics, magnetic materials, multiferroics, Magneto-dielectrics, Optoelectronic materials, Light/Gas Sensing materials, Nanomaterials to Single crystals,

2. Simple and Complex oxides: Titanates, Manganites, Vanadates, Dielectric Resonator Antennas, Energy materials.

Prof. Krushna R Mavani


Email: krushna@iiti.ac.in

1. Structural, Electronic, Magnetic and optical properties and their correlations

2. Thin Films and Multilayers

3. Terahertz Spectroscopy

4. Nanomaterials

Prof. Sudeshna Chattopadhyay


Email:  sudeshna@iiti.ac.in

1. Surface and Interface Science

2. Soft matter and nanomaterials

3. Organic/Inorganic hybrid materials

4. Energy conversion and storage research

5. Battery materials

Prof. Preeti A. Bhobe


Email: pbhobe@iiti.ac.in

1. Study of crystal and electronic structure

2. Magnetic properties of functional materials

3. X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS)

4. Photoemission Spectroscopy (PES)

Dr. Onkar Game

(Assistant Professor)

Email: ogame@iiti.ac.in

1. Photovoltaics

2. Organic and inorganic semiconductors

3. Halide perovskites 

4. Optoelectronics

Dr. Naresh Kumar Kumawat

(Assistant Professor)

Email: nkumawat@iiti.ac.in 

1. Metal Halide Perovskite (MHP) and Organic Semiconductors

2. Light-Emitting Diodes (PeLEDs) and Solar Cells

3. Device Characteristics

4. Device Physics

Dr. Bivas Dutta

(Assistant Professor)

Email: bivas@iiti.ac.in

1.  Quantum heat transport and thermodynamics;

2.  Nano-electronic quantum devices: Quantum-Dots;

3.  Superconducting tunnel junctions local thermometry and heating;

4.  Quantum Hall thermal transport; Non-abelian Majorana edge modes; Quasiparticle interferometer;

Theoretical Condensed Matter


Dr. Srimanta Pakhira

(Associate Professor)

Email: spakhira@iiti.ac.in

1. Applications of Density Functional Theory (DFT)

2. Strong Correlation Effects in Electronic Materials

3. Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites and Theory of Novel 2D Materials

4. Alkali-ion Battery, Novel Batteries Technology, Renewable Energy Materials, Solar Cells, Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs), H2 and O2 Evolution Reactions

Dr. Alestin Mawrie

(Assistant Professor)

Email: amawrie@iiti.ac.in

1. Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics

2. Low Dimensional Systems

3. Topological Insulators

Experimental High Energy Physics

Prof. Raghunath Sahoo


Email: raghunath@iiti.ac.in

1. Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions: Quark-Gluon Plasma

2. Phenomenology of Quark-Gluon Plasma, Global Properties and Heavy Flavors

Prof. Ankhi Roy


Email: ankhi@iiti.ac.in

1. Heavy Flavours in Heavy Ion Collisions

2. Detector and Physics Simulation

3. QGP Phenomenology


Theoretical High Energy Physics

Prof. Subhendu Rakshit


Email: rakshit@iiti.ac.in

1. Particle physics phenomenology

2. Neutrino physics

3. Higgs search at LHC

4. Dark matter

Dr. Manvendra Mahato

(Associate Professor)

Email: manav@iiti.ac.in

1. Gauge/gravity correspondence

2. String Theory

3. General relativity

Dr. Debajyoti Sarkar

(Assistant Professor)

Email: dsarkar@iiti.ac.in

1. AdS/CFT duality and its applications in strongly coupled field theory,

2. Quantum information

3. Topics in gravitational and black hole physics.

Dr. Dipankar Das

(Assistant Professor)

Email: d.das@iiti.ac.in

1. Phenomenology of the Higgs boson

2. Flavor Physics

3. Interplay between Neutrino mass and Dark Matter

Dr. Mritunjay Kumar Verma

(Assistant Professor)

Email: mritunjay@iiti.ac.in

1. String theory 

2. Holography 

3. Conformal field theory, 

4. General relativity

Non-linear Dynamics and Complex Networks

Prof. Sarika Jalan
Email: sarika@iiti.ac.in

1. Complex Systems and nonlinear dynamics

2. Systems biology, Spectral graph theory, Applications of Random matrix theory to biological and social systems

3. Synchronization, Coupled chaotic, Delayed networks, Extreme events, Adaptation and Evolution
Dr. Deepak Gupta

(Assistant Professor)

Email: deepak.gupta@iiti.ac.in

1. Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics.

2. Biophysics.

3. Stochastic Processes.

4. Theoretical Ecology.

5. Complex Systems