Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Email: sens@iiti.ac.in
1. Structure correlated physical properties, Ferroelectrics, magnetic materials, multiferroics, Magneto-dielectrics, Optoelectronic materials, Light/Gas Sensing materials, Nanomaterials to Single crystals,
2. Simple and Complex oxides: Titanates, Manganites, Vanadates, Dielectric Resonator Antennas, Energy materials.
(Assistant Professor)
Email: bivas@iiti.ac.in
1. Quantum heat transport and thermodynamics;
2. Nano-electronic quantum devices: Quantum-Dots;
3. Superconducting tunnel junctions local thermometry and heating;
4. Quantum Hall thermal transport; Non-abelian Majorana edge modes; Quasiparticle interferometer;
Theoretical Condensed Matter
(Associate Professor)
Email: spakhira@iiti.ac.in
1. Applications of Density Functional Theory (DFT)
2. Strong Correlation Effects in Electronic Materials
3. Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites and Theory of Novel 2D Materials
4. Alkali-ion Battery, Novel Batteries Technology, Renewable Energy Materials, Solar Cells, Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs), H2 and O2 Evolution Reactions
Experimental High Energy Physics
Theoretical High Energy Physics
Non-linear Dynamics and Complex Networks
1. Complex Systems and nonlinear dynamics
2. Systems biology, Spectral graph theory, Applications of Random matrix theory to biological and social systems
3. Synchronization, Coupled chaotic, Delayed networks, Extreme events, Adaptation and Evolution