
Post-Doctoral position at IIT Indore (Department of Physics): On behalf of the string theory group, we are looking to hire an ANRF (Anusandhan National Research Foundation) funded postdoc for 1-3 years. To apply: Send your CV to Dr. Debajyoti Sarkar Email: Read more

Events and Activities

Seminars Lab visits Holkar college Ph.D. scholars visited Prof Krushna Mavani‘s PLD lab and Dr. Somaditya Sen‘s Lab at SIC

Awards & Honours

1 Prof. Sarika Jalan received a prestigious SERB Power fellowship. 2 Prof. Sarika Jalan has been appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier). 3 Prof. Sarika Jalan is elected executive member of the Complex Systems Society. 4 Prof. Raghunath Sahoo Read more