Mission & Purpose
The department of physics consists of 15 faculty members from a diverse range of research areas such as Experimental and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Complex Systems and Non-linear Dynamics, Experimental and Theoretical High Energy Physics. It is one of the major departments at the Indian Institute of Technology Indore.

Theoretical high energy physics has four faculty members with research focus on string theory and beyond standard model physics. Two faculty members in experimental high-energy physics are focused on quark-gluon plasma and hadron physics. They are also engaged in many reputed international collaborations including ALICE experiment in Large Hadronic Collider, CERN, Geneva. IIT Indore also hosts a robust faculty group of six experimental and two theoretical condensed matter physics members engaging in research exploring diverse properties of materials ranging from multiferroics, superconductivity, semiconductors, topological insulators, nanomaterials using various spectroscopy, diffraction techniques, instrumentation and electronic structure theory. They also actively engaged in many interdisciplinary research activities. The department also hosts a faculty nonlinear dynamics and complex networks. Holding many experimental facilities, a good mix of theoretical and experimental research, a significant number of research scholars, national and international collaborations, the physics department is now a vibrant platform for both higher education and research.
The physics department at IIT Indore started M.Sc. Physics from July 2013 onwards to serve the higher education besides promoting current research.
Major research areas of research in the Department of Physics are: